Sunday, November 11, 2012

Another Sew-In
The Hair I used for this sew-in was Premium Too Hair. Premium Too Hair is 100% Human & Premium Blend hair.The color of this hair is a 1B and the style is called "Desire".I used 1 pack of this hair along some of another pack, and some Janet Collection "Perm Yaky" Hair which i placed at the top.. The Premium Too hair is 14 inches and the Janet hair is 10 inches. The braid pattern is simple. I had a perimeter braid going around the top of her head and just braided the rest of the hair back (The huge braid at the top is just the leave out braid). Enjoy.

Excuse her goofy-ness

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I did a sew-in on my sister today, and I decided to take pictures of all the steps. I'll try to make this post brief.
The hair that I used for her sew-in was Janet Collection Perm Yaky 10-inch & Sensationnel Bump Collection Hair 8-inch

I  glued the tracks onto a Styrofoam head that was covered with a plastic bag & a spandex cap. The plastic bag was just used to keep the Styrofoam from from sticking to the cap. I put the 10-inch hair in the front & the 8 inch in the back.

To cut the hair, I pulled the sides to the front & put the back into a ponytail. Then I cut above the ponytail holder, positioning the scissors at the bottom and cutting up.

This is the result. After this I cleaned up the bob & curled it. Unfortunately,I don't have pics of the cleaned up/curled bob. I took pics, but some how they were erased or either didn't save.

This is a front picture of the bob, and a  picture of the bob taken off of the styrofoam head. Please disregard the face of the styrofoam head; My little cousin does her "makeup" when she comes over

This is my sister's natural hair and her braid pattern. There is a braid going around the perimeter of her head.
I sewed the cap, with glued tracks on it, onto the perimeter braid.Then cut the remaining of the cap, where the leave out is.

The Result.
I will include more pics in a later post after I put highlights in her hair

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Soap Reviews
Canus Goat Milk Soap
I already have a review on my blog about this soap, Canus Goat Milk Soap. I use this soap on my face and body. Because it contains lactic acid, this soap is great for evening out your skin tone.  It has a creamy lather and smells great. It is gentle enough for the whole family to use. The bars last do no melt like some other soaps tend to do.

Kojie San Soap

 I only brought Kojie San soap because everyone was raving about it, but to me this soap was very harsh and drying to my skin. I only let it sit on my body for a minute, and the next thing I knew I had a dark spot on my arm that looked burnt. I hated this soap & I brought it in a pack of three so the bars are just sitting in my bathroom. The best Kojic Acid soap to me is Diana Stalder’s Kojic Acid Soap. It took me about 3 applications to get used to the tingling that I experienced, but after that it was a piece of cake & I was able to let the soap stay on longer and longer each time. You can really see results, lightening of dark spots and even tone, with this product after continuous use. I only used both of these Kojic Acid soaps on my body.

After I fell in love with the Diana Stalder Kojic Soap, YOU ALREADY KNOW my PRODUCT JUNKIE SELF brought the Diana Stalder Black Soap AND the Diana Stalder Glutathione Soap. These soaps are the shizzzniieeee. The Diana Stalder Black Soap is very mild, and I received lots of compliments on my skin; everyone said it glowed.  The Glutathione soap  has the same effect, but it took a little longer for me to see some results. All Diana Stalder soaps do seem to melt fast, and the bars do not last that long. I only used these soaps on my body.

Black Opal Pre-Fade Complexion Bar
I used the Black Opal Pre-Fade Complexion bar on my face and body. I think the bar is just for face use, as the bar is quite small, so if you are using it on your body then you will constantly be buying more soap bars. This soap is good for exfoliating. I didn't see any noticeable results though, but I can tell it was doing its job when it came to removing dirt and impurities from the skin. Make sure you apply a moisturizer after using this soap, it is a little drying.

Green Tea Herbal Soap
The Green Tea Herbal soap is a nice gentle soap to me. It main ingredient is Green Tea, a natural antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from the aging an damaging of free radicals. This soap lathers well & the bar lasts a long time. It also has a nice smell, is very refreshing and has a pretty green color.

The Magical Glutathione Whitening Soap is a great soap if you are dealing with acne or an uneven skin tone, whether on the face or body. This soap does what it claims to do & fast. I have no cons.

The Neutrogena Transparent Facial Bar, I loved. It’s very gentle, smells great, and leaves you with a refreshed feeling when you’re done using it. It’s a glycerin-rich facial bar that contains no harsh detergents, dyes or hardeners.  My skin did look healthier with consistent use of this soap.

Diana Stalder Glutathione Soap, Magical Glutathione Soap, & Neutrogena Transparent Facial Bar
CharginValley Rhassoul Yougurt  Soap- When I say you can smell these soaps through the box, I mean it literally. The mailman wanted to keep the box in the truck with him all day. These soaps SMELL SOOOO GOOD & are great for the targeted issues that they claim to correct (Its toning action revitalizes the complexion and tightens pores & it is enriched with moisturizing yogurt that hydrates, soothes, softens, and rejuvenates the complexion). I brought sample bars of these two soaps along with the Body Sorbet Sugar Scrub which is the best and also SMELLS SOOO GOOD. The sample bars lasted longer than I thought they would, they do tend to melt a little fast though. It does not cost a lot to purchase the bigger size of these soaps, and the bigger sizes are huge.

Makari Exfoliating Soap. This soap can be harsh, be careful. It is a wonderful exfoliator. Exellent. This soap does what It claims & you will see results. It’s the only product that I have used from the Makari Line, the other products have too many scary reviews for me to try them. I did purchase the Makari Body Milk and never used it because I kept seeing horrible reviews about it. I can say that Makari does have nice packaging to their products.

Black Soap Lick Me All Over

Original Black Soap Lick Me All Over. As a person of a dark complexion, you just can’t go wrong with purchasing black soap.  Black soap is great for almost every skin issue;  From acne to uneven skin tone. This soap is a great light exfoliator and made my skin very soft. I used it all over.

The African Formula Soap are the best. I love products with those good ingredients. This soap is the Olive Butter Soap and Green Tea Leaves. It smells great of course and is very moisturizing. Good choice for people who love natural products

Olive Butter Soap & Green Tea Leaves


I wanted the Retexturize Glytone Lotion and the Retexturize Glytone Exfoliating Wash so I decided to just get the KP Kit (Unfortunately I do not have Keratosis Pilaris so I can’t give you any review on that) which also included an exfoliating poof. The main ingredients in these products are Glycolic Acid, which is good in exfoliating dead skin cells and smoothing out rough areas. I did notice a difference in skin texture while using these products, and I also noticed a more even, brighter, creamy looking-skin tone. The lotion was quite strong though. You have to be careful, as it can burn the skin; wouldn’t recommend using it while the skin is very dry. You will run out of the wash before you run out of the lotion; even though they are about the same size. These products will work well on areas that tend to get a rough feeling (i.e. feet, elbows , and knees). I only used these products at night time. The label on both products does tell you that this product contains AHA’s, and using sunscreen & wearing protective clothing is essential when using this product.

-Moisturizing Skin
-Refine Pores
-Natural Glow
- Makeup Remover

-Treat Acne
-Fade Age Spots
-Anti-Itch Remedy
-Helps With Skin Texture
-Balances Skin's Natural Oils
- Helps with Redness
- Helps in Scar Healing

Breast Cancer Awareness: Natural Deodorants

Pure & Natural Crystal Deodorant Mist & Stone
When breast cancer month comes around I am always active in the events and products that different groups have to offer.  The products that I took the time to review were natural deodorants.
 (There have been tons of finds & informing about the use of commercial antiperspirants and deodorants linked to Breast Cancer).

The products that I have are:
Crystal Body Deodorant Spray
 Pure & Natural Crystal Deodorant Mist 
Pure & Natural Crystal Deodorant Stone
 Lafe’s Deodorant Stone. 

Note these deodorants are deodorants, not antiperspirants.  They are 100% natural and the main ingredient in these products is natural mineral salts.  They all claim to be hypoallergenic, fragrance free, paraben free, 24 hour lasting, odor eliminating, and  aluminium chlorohydrate free. Honestly, when I was going somewhere & had a lot to do, I never used these products alone; I used my regular deodorant along with them. I do use these products when I am at home, or going out & about with not much to do and they work fine.If I'm doing a lot around the house, they don't work unless I reapply once in a while. ( It beats using an unhealthy deodorant ALL the time).The sprays can be used anywhere on the body & the stick and stone are for the underarms.
Pure & Natural Crystal Deodorant Stone
I have had my fair share of Olay Products, but I am only going to do a review on three of them. I purchased these products at my local CVS. The products from the Regenerist Line are targeted for older people; they are anti-aging products, but they were beneficial to me as well.
The Olay Professional Pro-X is a spin brush with 2 speeds & is used for exfoliating. I am not that into exfoliating brushes,  but I did have the Neutrogena Wave when the hype was out. I saw visible results with the Neutrogena Wave, and some with the Olay brush as well, but once again I'm not that into brushes so I can't compare it to other leading brands. I chose to use other facial products over this brush. *shrugs* I was basically using it just to use it, but the quality of the brush is great. **Once again the Regenerist Line IS marketed to older people, and I don't have aging issues like them**

The Olay Regenerist Microdermabrasion System is a two part kit with Lactic Acid peel activator & microdermabrasion treatment with derma-crystals.
 This was my first experience with a little lactic acid, nothing about this product was unbearable to me. Before I purchased this product I looked at  some reviews & some people were saying that they couldn't take this product on their face for the time recommended. (The only sensation I felt was a warming sensation.) After using this product the skin definitely has a glow. I will honestly say that the glow didn't last that long, maybe a day,  but I put this product down and moved onto actual chemical peels. This kit is a good start though.

The Olay Regenerist Detoxifiying Pore Scrub is great if you're looking for a light cleasner. This cleanser is clear & slightly pink with red beads in it. Not hard or abrasive at all, very gentle and refreshing. I don't have problems with pores, but one of my sisters did & she found this product useful. Also I always found myself reaching for this cleanser, as you can see I'm almost out.