Sunday, October 21, 2012

Perricone MD Skin & Body

So we all are familar with the various product doctors; i.e, Dr. Miracle, Dr, Bronner, Dr. Gregg, but how many of you are familiar with Dr. Perricone? After various internet searching for reviews about the best supplement(s) for my health. Because of all of the reviews, I decided to give these vitamin packets a try. I was slightly reluctant, due to the fact, that I had purchased a GNC vitamin-pack box similar to this, which gave me absolutely NO results. "The benefit of these vitamins are to work inside out to maintain healthy skin, joints, bones, hair, and nails."  The pack consists of one Omega-3, Derma-Glo, Calcium Magnesium Blend, Skin&Joint Essentials, Rejuvenate, Astaxznthin, and two Super Antioxidant Supplements; 8 supplements in all. After three weeks of consistently taking these I am very happy about making my decision to purchase them.

 Pros: Around week two I started to notice a glow to my skin, all over, and an improvement of skin my skin tone with a change in skin texture. I'm a college student at a huge campus which equals LOTS of walking. During the weeks of taking these vitamins, I had lots of energy. Also, my eyelashes have grown tremendously *blink blink*. Most of the other benefits from the use of this vitamin pack, (joints, bones, and nails benefits), I really didn't pay attention to simply because they aren't problem areas to me. My favorite supplement is the Derma-Glo supplement because it contains  Pycnogenol, Vitamin C, and Grapeseed Extract all-in-one; before taking this vitamin I was taking each of these separately.

Cons:  This price of this product, $145, is very high, especially with the fact that you have to keep buying them when you run out. This box only lasts one month. It contains 60 packets. The directions state to take  2 packets a day which is 16 vitamins daily. I did not have trouble swallowing the pills; I would say that it helped with my water intake because it took almost a whole bottle of water to swallow down a packet. All in all, I would recommend anyone to invest in this product.

Purchase Dr. Perricone's Vitamin Pack? AMAZON SALE! Click the Link Below.

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